Half Termly Newsletter
1st November 2024
Dear parents/carers,
We hope this newsletter finds you well as we begin the Autumn term. We have a busy time full of learning ahead as we approach Christmas.
This newsletter will layout the learning our little learners will be doing this half term in Religious Studies, Communication, Language and Literacy, Phonics, Physical Development and Maths.
Religious Education The children will thinking about the topic ‘Welcome’. The children will be thinking about how we are welcomed into God’s family at baptism. We will also think of ways we can welcome each other when we see our family and friends. We have also been learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali. The children have made their own diva lamps and we also made Rangoli patterns with coloured rice Our next topic will be Birthdays. As we approach Christmas we will be learning about the Christmas story and thinking about how we can prepare for the birth of baby Jesus. Please encourage your child to make the sign of the cross and follow the Catholic Values that they are learning about. |
Commination, Language and Literacy We are now starting our ‘Dinosaur Roar’ topic. The children will be sharing the story and talking about the different dinosaurs in the story. Hopefully the children will be able to help tell the story when they become familiar with it. It is great to share stories with your child at home whenever possible as it helps with their language, vocabulary and imagination. We will also continue to sing the Nursery rhymes the children learnt in our last topic as it is important children sing and learn nursery rhymes as part of their reading and writing journey. They need to be able to hear the rhyme in the songs and distinguish between the different sounds in rhymes. Please click on the link below to listen along to the story
Phonics We follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds at this school. In order of the children to become fluent reader and writer by the time they leave Year 2, in nursery we need to ensure we ebbed the foundations of phonics. This half term we will be beginning to hear and say the first sound in words e.g S for snake, sit and sun. We will be learning the sounds s, a, t, p, i, n this half term. The children will be learning one sound each week and doing activities and games to support this. |
Maths We are now learning the numbers up to 3. The children will be learning about the amount and matching it to the number. This will be done by a variety of activities and also number songs.
Thank you for your support,
Miss Fuller and the Nursery team.
Thank you for your support,
Miss Fuller and the Nursery team.