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St Mary's Catholic Primary Schools Trust





28th June 2024

Dear parents/carers,

It's been another exciting week full of learning experiences in Nursery! We said good bye to our butterflies yesterday. The children were very excited to see them fly out of the net as we released them. We all waved them goodbye as they flew off over Croydon.  The children also had fun at their sports day. Thank you so much for coming to support the children.

Religious Education

We will now be starting our new topic ‘Our World’. The children will be thinking about our wonderful world that God has given us. We will be learning about how we can look after and take care of the world around us. We will be thinking about how we share the world with our family and friends.



Our initial sound will be ‘sh’. The children will be learning to say the sound and looking at objects and pictures that start with the sound ‘sh’ e.g. shell, shirt and shop. We will be playing ‘what’s in the box?’ to support this.  

Home Learning:

Have a look at home or when you are out and about to see if you can find things that begin with ‘sh’. Maybe you can play ‘I spy with my little eye, something beginning with ‘sh’. ‘

Communication, Language and Literacy

We will be continuing to read the story ‘I Love Animals.’ Which fits in with our visit to the Farm. We will also be reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar and some books about Minibeasts as the children are looking after the cocoons and hopefully very soon there will be butterflies in Nursery. There are minibeasts in the garden that the children are very excited to see.

Home Learning:

Here is a link to the story of ‘I Love Animals’ to share at home.

This is also a link to the story of ‘Very Hungry Caterpillar.’


Next week children will be thinking about ‘more and less’

They will be comparing amounts of objects and saying which has ‘more than’ or ‘fewer than’. We will do this through activities in our learning groups using different types of objects. We will also continue to explore numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5 in our learning and play activities.

Home learning:

If you have 2 quantities of objects ask your child which is more and which is less.  See if they can count the objects.


Reminders: We will also be having an end of year picnic on Wednesday 17th July in the Nursery garden to say well done to all the children for a great year in Nursery. More details to follow.

Thank you for your support, Miss Fuller and the Nursery team.