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St Mary's Catholic Primary Schools Trust

​Year 2

31st January 2025

Dear parents/carers,

Our Celebration Assembly

Our Stars of the Week are:  Krystal in St Francis Class and Mara in St Martin Class.

 Our awards for St Mary’s Way go to: Lisa in St Martin Class and Jacob in St Francis Class                                                                                 

Religious Education: Thanksgiving

We will begin this topic by helping the children to reflect on the many occasions when they give thanks. This will lead onto learning about the Mass and how it is a celebration of Thanksgiving.

Home learning:

How many times do you need to say thank you in just one day? Please draw attention to how many times this is said in your home and discuss why this is so important.  There are many ways to say thank you which may be non-verbal such as with a smile or a hug.

Phonics :     oy  diagraph                                                                                                                           

coy, toy, annoyed, soy, destroy, enjoy, boy, joy, ploy, cowboy

the, all, the, none, just, wa

Please write a sentence for each word with a capital letter and full stop.  Add a conjunction such as ‘and because or so but.  We are focussing on writing sentences with detail by adding adjectives.

I enjoy PE and I really enjoy playing team games in the school playground when it is sunny and warm.  

English: ‘A Walk In London’

By Salvatore Rubbinno

We will be completing the book Rosie Revere Engineer which we believe has really inspired the children with their model making in DT.

We will put photographs of the models onto See Saw when they are all completed.

We will be reading ‘A Walk In London’ and looking at the buildings both from a Historical perspective and a Geographical one.

Home Learning: Please try to listen to your child reading on a daily basis.  As with any skill that is learnt such as handwriting, swimming or playing football, practising those skills ensures proficiency in that area. 


We are learning to add equal groups by learning about repeated addition, identify the multiplication symbol and complete multiplication number sentences.

Home learning;

Please start to learn the 2 and 5 Times table by chanting and below is a link to help you.


Croydon Infant Music Festival at Fairfield Halls on 18th March 2025

We will be participating at the Croydon Music Festival along with many other schools. We will be posting a letter online of all the details and rehearsals.  We will need your permission to take your child.  If you are available to assist us on the days when we walk to Fairfield Halls, we would be grateful for your help.

Thank you. 

We have sent a copy of the words of the songs home with the children to learn.  Over the next few weeks, we will be practising the many songs that we have to learn for the concert. We will keep you updated.