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St Mary's Catholic Primary Schools Trust


Newsletter 36                                                                                                    Friday 28th June 2024

Dear Parents,

The weather has certainly changed this week and after false summer we had the hottest days of the year so far on Tuesday and Wednesday. The children have been very responsible for their health and have remembered water bottles and hats. Please continue to talk to your child about taking responsibility for themselves in hot weather, including preparing by using sun block (sun cream) at home if needed.

We began the week by thinking about the amazing achievements of Leonardo da Vinci and learning the lesson that we should not close any doors in our learning – his wonderful example of being an artist, scientist and mathematician is inspirational.

Welcoming the next generation

On Monday we welcomed the parents of the current Year 2 children to the school. It was great to meet some new families and see some old friends. It is an indication of how quickly we are approaching the end of the academic year.

Dance Festival

Our twelve members of the Dance Team had a great day at Shirley High on Monday. It was an interesting and demanding day and great that we can be represented in dance as well as sports.

Sports Day

Despite hot weather, our Sports Day was lots of fun for everyone on Wednesday. It was so wonderful to see so many parents supporting their children. We had to make sure we had completed by 11am and the heat of the day.

The children’s attitude was amazing, and we have Mrs Ottlyk and her team to thank for a very smoothly run morning of fun.

All the children who are in GREEN team can wear their own clothes to school on Tuesday as a reward for their victory. Additionally, the best performing individual team (YELLOW in Class 4D) can also weear their own clothes.

Catholic Schools’ Athletics Competition

This morning our team travelled to St James the Great in Thornton Heath to compete against the other Catholic Schools in the borough. The children did incredibly well and came third overall, of nine competing schools. We will receive individual results next week.

Olympic Day

This Monday (1st July) is Olympic Day. There will be olympian challenges in the school hall all day. Please make sure your child wears his / her PE Kit all day.

Achievement Certificates

The achievement certificates this week are awarded to Eliza in 3A, Kali-Annah in 3E, Alix in 4D, Serah in 4T, Diwana in 5B, Victor in 5C, Jonathan in 6G and Kashmira in 6P. The Head of School’s award goes to Osanna in 5C. Our kindness award this week is awarded to Nile in 3E. The swimmers of the week are Williams in 4T and Pugazh in 3E.

I wish you a restful weekend.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew McDonald

Head of School

Health Advice for parents


The World Health Organisation now considers the covid pandemic to not be a global health emergency. For advice and support if you suspect someone has covid, please visit:

When using a test, check that it is a recent one that is set up to detect new strains of the virus.


Group A Strep (streptococci)

Scarlet fever is usually a mild illness, but it is highly infectious. Look out for symptoms in your child, which include a sore throat, headache, and fever, along with a fine, pinkish or red body rash with a sandpapery feel. On darker skin the rash can be more difficult to detect visually but will have a sandpapery feel. Children with these symptoms should not attend school.