Catholic Life and Mission
At St Mary's Infants, we try to live as Jesus would want us to. We believe that, whilst daily prayer is important, we need to serve our community.
In order to be good, we need to do good! These are some of the ways we are living our Catholic life:
Each day during Advent we will be doing one small act of kindness.
Thursday 17th October
Mark Scully came in from the charity Cafod to talk to KS1 children about the wonderful work that Cafod do for people around the world. The children asked some amazing question about Cafod’s work and came up with ways they could help their brothers and sisters around the world.
Friday 18th October – Harvest of Hope Prayer and Liturgy
Our whole school community contributed to our Harvest of hope this year, children and parents made donations and we spoke with the children about our hopes for a fair world for all. They believe that everyone should be able to have access to food and water, so as part of our Harvest Festival of HOPE, as in previous years, these donations were delivered to the church to support their food bank.
Wednesday 30th October
A visit from the charity Mary’s Meals. Which is a charity we will be supporting this year. We heard about how Marys Meals serves nutritious meals to children living in some of the world’s poorest countries. The promise of a good meal attracts these hungry children into the classroom, giving them the energy to learn and hope for a better future. Mary’s Meals charity is already feeding 2.4 million children every school day, together with our help we can help them reach the next hungry child. Did you know, that to feed a child for a whole year, in some of these poorest countries, it only cost £19.15. I was amazed at how cheap that is. This year as part of our Catholic Social Teachings and thinking about Pope Francis’s letter ‘Fratelli Tutti’ (Fraternal Love,) we want to show how we care for our brothers and sisters around the world and help our global family. He told us that Mary’ Meals collects any foreign currency you may have lying around at home. So, if you have any old foreign currency please bring it into school and we will begin our collection.