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St Mary's Catholic Primary Schools Trust


Reception Newsletter

12th July  2024

Dear parents/carers,

What an incredible week we've had! The children's enthusiasm and progress have been truly remarkable. Here's a preview of what's coming up next week: Reception children will have their graduation ceremony next Thursday; St George’s class will have their graduation in the morning, and St Andrew’s class in the afternoon. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Religious Education

Religious Education: We will continue to explore and understand our world, focusing on the importance of caring for our environment. The children will learn about the significance of love, kindness, and gentleness in making the world a better place. Activities will emphasize how taking care of our planet is a way to show love and respect for all of God's creation. We will engage in discussions and projects that highlight the importance of environmental stewardship.


Home learning task: Discuss with your child ways to help care for the environment at home. Create a list of actions your family can take to contribute to a healthier planet.


In the world of phonics: This week in phonics, the children will be assessed on their knowledge. Please practice the ‘tricky words’ they will be tested on, which you can find on seesaw. Additionally, revisit all phase 3 sounds using the link below to support your child’s reading. As we approach year 1, children should be encouraged to read fluently and sound out words in their head.

Home Learning Task:

Encourage daily reading for pleasure by setting aside dedicated story-time with your child, exploring their favourite books together. Practice phonics sounds through fun activities like identifying sounds in everyday words, playing phonics games, and using flashcards to reinforce letter-sound recognition and improve reading skills.

Literacy: Communication and Language

Next week in Literacy, this week in literacy, the children will use a writing stimulus to enhance their creative writing. At home, please encourage your child to discuss the stories you read together and explain what is happening in full sentences. Correcting their pronunciation is also important, as it supports their writing skills.

Home learning task: Observe and draw a minibeast found in your garden or local park. Discuss with your child the features of its habitat and why it is important for the minibeast's survival.




In Maths,  the children will focus on essential early math skills. We will explore number bonds to 5 and 10, learn to identify odd and even numbers, and practice finding one more and one less. These activities will help build a strong foundation in number sense and arithmetic. Your support at home can reinforce these concepts.


Home learning task: ·  Number Bonds: Use small objects like buttons to create pairs that make 5 or 10.

·  Odd and Even: Sort household items (e.g., socks) into odd and even groups.

·  One More, One Less: Play a counting game, asking your child to find one more or one less than a given number.


Warm regards,

The Reception Team