Year 1
7th March 2025
Dear Parents / Carers,
This week the children have enjoyed learning about their new class text and they finished the RE topic on meals. They also had a lot of fun showing off their book hats for World Book Day! We saw some wonderful creations in both classes, well done!
Our Celebration Assembly
Our Stars of the Week are: Arjan in St Bernadette Class and Athena in St Therese Class.
Our awards for St Mary’s Way go to: Jesse in St Bernadette Class and Serena in St Therese Class
Religious Education
We are moving on to a new topic next week which is ‘Change’. We will be thinking about how we are continually growing and changing. During Lent, we are reflecting on the ways in which we can change. We will explore how we can improve and prepare ourselves for the celebration of Easter.Home learning: Talk with your child about how Lent is a time for us to think of others. How can we change to make us better people? |
Maths Next week the children will continue to work with numbers to 50. They will be looking at finding one more and one less from numbers to 50. They will also complete an end of unit assessment for their recent learning.
Home Learning: Please continue to practise counting forwards and backwards to 50 with your child.
Next week the children will continue to learn about their new class text; Clean Up By Nathan Bryon and Dapo Adeola. They will be thinking about the plastic pollution that is shown in the story and be discussing ways in which they can help the environment.
Home Learning: Talk to your child about recycling. What things do they know that we can recycle? Can they think of other ways we can help clean up our world?
If you would like to listen to the story with your child, please click the following link to a video of it being read aloud;
Next week the children will continue to learn their next set of new Phase 5 sounds. We will carry on recapping recently learnt sounds and the new Phase 5 graphemes will be introduced each day.
Some of the children are continuing to focus on the gaps in their phonic knowledge in order to develop their reading and writing skills appropriately. They will be practising how to blend sounds that they know in order to read familiar and unfamiliar words.
Please ensure you are reading daily with your child at home, this is very important and can have a huge impact on the development of your child’s reading. The reading books are matched to the children’s current phonic knowledge and this allows them to apply the sounds that they are learning to their independent reading.
Home Learning: Please look at the video below. This is a guide from Little Wandle that shows you how the children should be pronouncing the sounds they have been taught. |
Swimming and P.E. days for this half-term: St Bernadette: Swimming on Thursdays St Therese: P.E. on Thursdays Many thanks from the Year 1 Team |