Newsletter 24 Friday 14th March 2025
Dear Parents,
Spring is a turbulent season and I think a lot of us thought that summer had arrived last weekend – how wrong we all were. Waterproof coats and warm hats and gloves are still needed.
We continue our Lenten observations and have been talking this week about the importance for the children of asking God in prayer, ‘What is Your plan for me today?’
We continue our weekly visits to 10am Mass at Church. This week the children of 4D attended Mass and listened to a beautiful sermon from Father Matthew.
Class Photographs
On Wednesday Lisa from Tempest Photography came to school and took class photographs. You will receive a proof soon and details of how to buy a copy. They are a lasting memory for the children of their friends and teachers so please consider making a purchase.
Parnt / Teacher interviews
These were completed for parents of children in Class 6G on Tuesday evening. It was a pleasure to meet parents before their interviews and talk about their children.
Reporting absences
Please note the following advice when leaving a message about your child’s absence because of illness:
- Make sure you give your child’s full name and class as clearly as you can.
- Please give a medical symptom for absence, and do not say ‘is unwell’.
- If your child vomits, he or she must remain away from school for the next 48 hours.
Secondary School places
If you are the parent of a child in Year 6, please don’t forget that Monday 17th March is the final day for accepting school places. After that date, the offer of the place will be passed on to another child.
Class Assembly
On Thursday morning we were delighted to listen to Class 4T, who presented a really interesting assembly about St Patrick of Ireland, as his feast day falls on Monday. There was an important message from the children about being brave and trusting in God. The forthcoming celebrations will both be Class Liturgies – parents of children in Class 5B are welcome to join us next Thursday, 20th March, at 9.30am. On 27th March it will be the turn of the children in 5C at the same time, 9.30am.
Homework Club – change of provision
Please don’t forget that it is now not possible to book Homework Club for Friday. Miss Mitchell and I are reviewing after school provision at the moment.
After the Easter Holiday we will be offering basketball as an after-school activity each Friday. Whilst this will not begin for a while, it can be booked on Parentpay already as the item is live and available for booking.
Achievement Certificates
The achievement certificates this week are awarded to Chase in 3A, Gina in 3E, Mmachukwu in 4D, Firewamiri in 4T, Emma in 5B, Micah in 5C, Isaac in 6G and Raphael in 6P. The Headteacher’s award goes to Cody in 5C. The Swimmer of the Week is in Franciszka in 3E.
Have a peaceful weekend.
Yours faithfully,
A.J. McDonald
Coronavirus The World Health Organisation now considers the covid pandemic to not be a global health emergency. For advice and support if you suspect someone has covid, please visit: When using a test, check that it is a recent one that is set up to detect new strains of the virus. |